
TeachingModules Contents Totale hours ECTS/CFU
1) Vehicle Dynamics Fundamental


Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics. Aerodynamics. Tires. 150 6
2) Virtual Dynamics Design and Simulation


Multibody analyses introduction.

Adams Car. Real-time analyses.

From real-time virtual Dynamics to Dynamic driving simulator.

100 4
3) VI-Grade Static Simulator training



Experimental training with static driving simulator. 100 4
4) Propulsion: IC &Hybrid



Internal combustion engines. Main features and performances.

Engine architectures. Fuel consumptions and perfomances. Electric motors. Generators.

Bacteried and accumulators. Power supply system. Recharge systems. Connection systems. Cable connection wires.

Protocols. Diagnostics.

75 3
5) Vehicle Dynamics Control



Introduction to control systems and regulators. Breaking control systems, stability control systems and traction control systems, Vector control. 25 1
6) Advanced Driving Course


Driving experience and training 25 1
7) SkydriveDynamic Simulator



Simulation of race track activities propaedeutic to the final examination 25 1
8)  Race Track Management and Vehicle Set Up for Performance


Basic knowledge and tools evaluation. Manuals and regulations. Methodology for an effective race carsetting. Analyses of Track tests. 225 9
9) Race Engineering Science


Every day task and performance evaluation.

Development of a methodology to ‘read driver’s mind’.



25 1
10)  Data acquisition



Data acquisition systems. Data analysis. Transducers and sensors.

Experimental training.

100 4
11)  Biomechanics: Driver/Vehicleinteraction


Integrated system for the driver training . Driver/pilot physiology. Psycho-physical stress and physiological adaptation. Environmental factors. 50 2
Partial Total 900 36
Internship 550 22
Final Exam 50 2
Total 1500 60